The Wine That Wasn’t - Anymore
2 hours ago
"Great people talk about ideas, average people talk about things, and small people talk about wine."--Fran Lebowitz
First: I’m not sure if there is anyone better at cutting through the confidence trick that is often intrinsic to the business of wine.
Second: in a world where offending people appears to border on the illegal, the Hosemaster piles in. No one is safe."
--Joss Fowler ""
Charo?! Now why did you have to go there? Can't stop picturing you shaking about and purring, "Coochie-coochie-coochie!"
The irony that someone like you and who writes like you do would hook up with Tim ;0) I did tease him... You're more aligned to Robert's mentality but I think it's rather amusing....
PS Fantastic post by the way!! Very true!!
Nice, eye-opening zingers Ron! (doubly appreciated this morning since we are out of coffee)
keep up the good work!
My Gorgeous Samantha,
I don't know, I was trying to think of the stupidest "international" star and Charo popped into my head. That in itself is scary.
Thank you. I was very flattered when Tim contacted me last month and asked me to contribute to his award-winning blog. Formerly award-winning, one would assume now.
Hey David,
It's always fun to poke at my old profession. The more uptight ones will take offense, and thereby, show their true colors. Most will laugh. And not understand that the point of the piece isn't to degrade sommeliers, but rather play to the paranoia of restaurant guests who think the sommelier is simply there to lighten their wallets.
Ron, You should assemble all your posts in book form. I think it would would be a best seller, in the wine category anyway.
Left on Tim's Blogue!
I am a sommelier, and a fan of Hosemaster! These are funny, My approach is to democratize wine, I am also following my path to obtain my MW.... But not to be snobby..... I feel funny that the relation between wine reps and Sommelier is exposed!..... LOL! Why....well I am not a sommelier in a Restaurant..... I do not have the patience needed.... nope I represent 60 world class winery on my Montreal Market..... So being a sommelier I work accordingly with other sommelier in restaurant.... Ok sometimes shit hits the fan...... but hey! I am true to myself, defend my selections to import, travel to offer not the most expensive to the label drinker out there..... Sommelier are suppose to work with a certain humility, When I did part of my Master sommelier....I was profoundly hated by the big head teacher..... Why, because if it was a humility contest he surely would have been shot dead for being last! but I pass..... Being a sommelier is not about being a semi-god..... it is about knowing wines, it's not being an ayatholla or winextremist or a terrwinist it is about sharing all of our passion (not knowledge) with the customer..... it is not about getting a hard-on about money but getting a very exciting wine that would be perfect for the customer, not your own wallet..... This you can still find a lot in Montreal, Quebec, Gatineau and all across our province!
Cheers to all!
Yeah, maybe "Wine Bible for Idiots." Something like that. I'm sure I would outsell Alice. Feiring, not Munro.
I just love that "blogue" is Canadian for blog. Thanks for commenting in both venues. Gonna be a first Monday of the month ritual.
Loving the new thoughts I have now of WBG. Thanks Ron.
I love your sarcasm....
Some sommelier should get a swift kick in the ass!
It is only fermented Grape juice we sell..... not a cure for all illness in the world....
I would love to have your view on the superstar picture approach in wine magazine presenting the farmers.....oh sorry! I mean the hot new winemaker......
Blogue is actually french!
Hi Leslie,
Thanks for chiming in! WBG is a great profit center for a restaurant, which they need, and can also be a great showcase for the sommelier's ego. A win-win.
Selling wine, marketing folks tell us, is about selling the story. In this age of climate disaster, it's only logical that the farmers will become heroes. And the natural farmer, even more so. Hard to glorify the guy driving a mechanical harvester.
Yes, I know blogue is French, but Canadian is funnier.
Love it! Keep leaking ;)
Dammit Brian, you blabbed the name of the new feminine product my gynecologist and I were working on.
Bravo.. I feel enlightened...
I was going to comment at Atkin's site but it turned out to be a cumbersome ordeal.
We all like it here better anyway. Can't be sure if you comment on Atkin's site you can let the hair down...per se. It is a lovely post though. Well done, Hosé.
Hey Dave,
Thanks. Enlightenment is helpful over here on the dark side.
Are you allowed to comment in the U.K.? I thought there was some sort of embargo. Or outstanding warrant. Or you don't speak the language. But you're safe here with me.
Not sure "lovely" is what I was aiming for, but thanks. And knowing Tim, I wouldn't worry about whatever hair it is you want to let down. But I'd be lonely here without you.
I'm really glad you are still writing within the British Commonwealth, although I did note a lack of profanity. Should you switch to Canada, let it be known that profanity here does not stop at the border....
,,,profanity6 at the Canadian/US border is a normal course of events, what with passports and tarrifs and all that rot.
y6 is not so hard to accomplish on a keyboard
Tried to comment over on Tim's site, but it wasn't working, so congrats here! Excellent piece, as usual. Occasionally Parker and I actually like the same thing, although he usually gives it 4 points more than I do. ;-)
Nice work! And I hope you're getting paid for this!!!
Man, I've been busy doing other than Hosemaster stuff. Sorry to be so late to respond.
Fuck, the lack of profanity is about it being The Secret Official Sommelier Manual. They only swear at salespeople and busboys. So that's why the lack of goddam profanity.
I can't comment on Tim's site, but it is in England, so it's just generally foggier. And only 4 points lower than Parker? Man, you're getting liberal in your old age.
Yes, getting paid! So average it out over hundreds of posts and, so far, I've made three cents!
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