During the service exam, you stuck your tongue into the neck of the wine bottle you’d just opened and moaned, “Oh, God, I love you, Lettie.”
In your description of Grüner Veltliner, you used the word “taint” without mention of cork.
Mistakenly wore your diaphragm around your neck instead of a tastevin. Made the wine smell funny.
May have been overheard calling Fred Dame MS, “Wine’s Donald Trump.”
When asked by the examiner if you thought a Duckhorn was good, you said, “Yes, it’s perfect for when you have a really tight duck.”
Forgot to bring the answers you found in your email to the blind tasting exam.
Your answer for a question on soil samples was 1000 words on Depends.
You mistakenly identified “sommelier” as the primary grape in Sauternes, and declared Barsac a venereal disease contracted from stools in natural wine bars.
During the blind tasting exam, you spit each wine into your hand and yelled, “Baby needs a new pair of shoes!”
Beyoncé is not a variety. It was not crossed with Kanye to make Pinotage.
When asked for a wine to accompany Hamachi, you suggested Yellow Tail.
You wore clown shoes.
Identified all six wines in the blind tasting as “kinda bitey.”
When asked to identify the seven subzones of Chianti, you left out Sneezy.
When finished serving a bottle of Grower Champagne, one is not supposed to spike it and yell, “In your face, cocksuckers!” That’s only allowed after serving Dom Perignon.
You thought part of the service exam was blowing a balloon animal in the shape of your MS mentor. Where did the balloon animal figure in, stupid?
You misunderstood the word “proctor,” and asked to have your prostate checked. Luckily, it was fine.
When asked what is your favorite German TBA, you said, “The winner of the Angela Merkel lookalike contest.”
You have a vagina.